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We need a degrowth aligned job guarantee and solidarity fund, here is how we can create it!

Motivation In a world where capitalism and colonialism are upheld by full-time efforts, while those fighting for global justice work precariously, part-time, or on a volunteer basis, it's no wonder we find ourselves losing ground. Activism and societal transformation shouldn't be relegated to the margins but should be central to our daily work, encompassing not only productive efforts but also the care and regeneration of culture and biodiversity. The degrowth movement, primarily driven by academics or those with secured material needs, needs to become more inclusive. For the movement to truly reflect the sensibilities of the global working class and the Global South, we must provide financial support to those in need and to work that is socially and environmentally necessary but unsupported by the market. The core coordination of the International Degrowth Network (IDN) relies heavily on the extraordinary, often invisible efforts of individuals. To avoid burnout and ensure sus
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Proposta de Transició Energètica Ecosocial a Catalunya: Planificació fins al 2030

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Anàlisi dels partits respecte a la transició energètica a Catalunya: 12M

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Activism and degrowth

General introdution to Theory of Change  Eroding capitalism allows for the progressive reduction of capitalistic provisioning forms without direct confrontation across all areas. This strategy fosters changes toward universal provisioning within planetary boundaries , aiming for a more democratic and fairer society . However, this approach faces several challenges and uncertainties. The primary concern is whether erosion and the growth of marginal alternatives can withstand capitalism’s pressures , such as price dumping, low wages, and difficulty accessing finance or land, and if these changes can occur quickly enough to prevent a climate catastrophe. Another critical question is identifying the most promising areas for this erosion. I suggest focusing on housing due to increasing artificial scarcity and resistance to its treatment as a speculative asset. Energy, particularly electricity, is also crucial. Dubbed the 'blood of social metabolism,' electricity requires the dep

Desafiant el Capitalisme: Estratègies per a l'erosió del Sistema - habitatge i energia

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Degrowth Communism Strategy

Kohei Saito has published another book to make a valid point: any economic system that does not overcome capitalism will fail to reconcile social provisioning with planetary boundaries. The question is how democratic we want this system to be. He advocates radically democratizing the economic system and avoiding any form of climate Maoism, or a state dictatorship to enforce how we transition from capitalism. Let's see why, who, and also some strategic gaps I identified while reading the book, which I recommend. We need to reconcile socialism with ecology, and degrowth with socialism. Not all socialists agree or support degrowth or the notion of planetary boundaries, and definitely the mainstream left is rather green Keynesian, productivist, and mostly pro-growth. The author claims that due to the impossibility of sufficient decoupling and the need for capitalism to grow, only socialism and a break from capitalism can achieve a stable climate and public abundance. Also, not all degr

My Journey Towards Net Zero: A Personal Narrative

Embracing individual actions alone won't usher in the systemic change we yearn for. True transformation requires a collective movement towards a new paradigm. The narrative around carbon footprints, heavily promoted by fossil fuel lobbyists, aims to shift the blame onto citizens while doing everything to maintain our dependency on fossil fuels. Despite this, I believe it's crucial to demonstrate that living with a significantly lower carbon footprint than the Western average is not only feasible but can also enhance our quality of life. Let me share how I've managed to do this. The cornerstone of my journey is adopting an organic, plant-based diet, the most effective way to support biodiversity, halt deforestation, and cut emissions. By purchasing directly from local farmers, we can bolster food sovereignty and fairness. Contrary to the belief that healthy food is expensive, it's the unsustainable production of non-nutritious items like soda and snacks that costs both c