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Showing posts from July, 2019

We have 10 years

There is a great deal of certainty, that if there are not dramatic reductions on our current levels of emissions, we will enter in 10 years a phase of no return. In ten years we will go straight to a long lasting painful period of less food, health, biodiversity and overall development.  There are already some clear examples of what global warming means, as some islands are ripped out, thousands of people are forced to move from their lands or die from heatwaves (more people die from heatwaves that all violence together), or some countries need to decide whether to have a shower or flash the toilet, since there is not enough water for both... Ten years seems too little to change our overall relationship with nature and what we define as development. I have to admit that I am optimistic, considering what I have seen in the last ten years on my personal experience (my achievements will seem very little to some, I have to admit), please do the same exercise on your own. Ten years ago,