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Showing posts with the label Activism

Master of Degrowth : Week 14.1 Energy Communities and Degrowth

Energy communities goes back to the 1970s with the oil price shocks to ensure affordability of energy in communities. Currently in Europe there is the mandate of clear regulation in favor of energy communities that are the more relevant given the current and expected future energy inflation. To follow along the progress of the energy community framework , where we can see all the projects taking place in europe. Notable the existance of 4000 projects in Germany, comparing to 200 in Spain. Currently, half of european households could be involved in projects related to energy communities or being more independing in their energy use.   Energy communities are called as such if at least 51% is owner locally (how far local remains something to make concrete and varies across countries). Energy communities are organizations where citiziens own and participate in energy provisioning or efficiency related projects. The areas of activities are hydroelectric dams, solar panels, wind turbine

El ministeri del futur

Recentment, he llegit el Ministeri del futur, una novel·la de ciència-ficció sobre la probable evolució del canvi climàtic i com la humanitat podria convertir el camí fatal actual en un futur pròsper per a les properes generacions. Em va sorprendre el principi, ja que l'autor proposa un punt d'inflexió tal com jo també el veig. És probable que no vegem canvis estructurals fins que passi alguna cosa realment dolenta. I això és exactament el que va passar al llibre. Una combinació mortal de calor i humitat fa que la sudoració sigui inútil i milions de persones van morir a conseqüència d'això a l'Índia cap al 2025.  Després del terrible esdeveniment, l'Índia pren el volant i decideix utilitzar la geoenginyeria , ja que el canvi internacional no s'estava produint durant massa temps.Aquesta rèplica de l'alliberament de productes químics d'un volcà redueix temporalment la temperatura, amb conseqüències desconegudes, especialment en els patrons de pluja.  De

Is a Steady State Economy Possible? A summary of what neoclassical, keynessian and marxists say about it

  A lot has been writen, since the book Limits to Growth in the 70' about the desirability to stop growth, as its costs exceed its benefits. There are wellbeing, natural and philosophical reasons to reach a steady state, to find what is enough, to celebrate and live with self impossed limits. The literature on the economic stability of such an economy is still rare, 50 years later, and Steffen Lange book, is the best contribution we have at this time. My last posts owe him almost everything I have to say about the topic. It was, the best selftaught course on keynessian and marxists economics I took, as it seems that in mainstream economics, there is over-representation of the neoclassical view of the economy, not leveraging what keynessian, marxists and ecological economics can offer. My prediction is that ecological economics will simply called economics, and the macroeconomics of the steady state will be called simply macroeconomics. In this post I will summarize what I have lear

Sacred Economics

I am summarising here one of the most beautiful and useful books on economics, ecology and philosophy that I have ever read. I have written about this book before, but given the importance of the principles it mentions for the work I am currently doing, it is more than worth taking another deep look into this treasure: I can only hope that every single economics, business and political science programme has this book as a reference, because people will benefit massively from it. Whether you are in activism, policy, research, industry, teaching or just curious, this book will challenge your view of economics, money and civilisation. Motivation Those who want to create a healthier, fairer and simply put more beautiful world have a hard time. Our system seems to make it much easier to exploit and monetise every single service than to protect the commons. Propaganda has managed to turn us into consumers rather than citizens by blaming us for the same addic