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Showing posts from February, 2020

SKY and running: training principles

 After knowing your why and setting your goals for this year, it is time to plan your trainings. Although the details of your training blocks will change a lot depending of your history, capacities and ambitions, there are some general principles that should apply to most of us. Let’s go through them! Setting the calendar… Define a calendar that is realistic with your experience, condition, availability and ambition. Many people register to the races just because others do or increase the difficulty too quick or at times where work of life commitments are very demanding. Take a holistic view of your life when you set a calendar that is not too stressful yet exciting. Prioritize your goals and segment them. Make sure there are not more than 3-5 big goals per year.   Give time for other things in your life that require space and are equally or more important Make sure the “big days” related to personal or work events are far from your key goals. Space at least one week

SKY and running : the WHY

It is fairly early in the year, so our to do list for 2020 are quite full of  fresh wishes. Before going mercilessly toward achieving them all, take a tea, and revise your why's . I promise is just worth. Maybe you are one of the few who manage get all done and not lossing your health, partner, job, friends while achieving everything you aim for. Maybe you have achieve peace and nirvana, and there is no emptiness or to business in the busy. In that case, please skip that post, you got it! For the rest of the mortals it is possible than even in the unlikely case of checking all the boxes, we will find empty. The reason being, to my opinion, is a superficial evaluation of our why. Here I would like to explore with you the different dimensions of the why in sport, and how can we come with a journey in sport that is fullfilling and exciting. Very few of us can explain why we start running or climbing mountains. It just happen.  A random day with a random person we moved faster or

SKY and running: My philosophy

Running and moving fast in the mountains seems to the outsiders such a simple and unproductive way to spend our free time. The reality is that taking the decision to become a sky runner (a person who wants to move fast in all types of terrain and climate) is not only fascinating, but also can add a lot of meaning and joy to our lives. If you are reading this, I assume you are a runner, mountaineer or just a curious person wanting to know more about how those apparently crazy, yet happy people find time and resources to become goats while living in almost flat cities. Before I step into the how or even the why, I would like to share my own definition of sky running and what I put into this concept. As in road running, where there are many different fields, distances and courses, there is also into the concept of sky running.   Sky running is the most agile and light way to move into natural terrain, searching for challenging ways to arrive to the submit of a mountain or just