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Showing posts from May, 2021

The meaning of life, the purity of sport and scientific literacy...

This post is inspired in the following convertation, probably one of the most inspiring conversation I listened to in weeks... I got to be fortunate or lucky, that to me, life flows so clearly in my mind, in the same way the dry sand flows from your fingers...smoothly but relentless... Maybe is because the unforgetable experience of lossing my grandparents, my father in law...who knows...but life is very present on me. If there are types on men and women, I am definetely into those who are not leaving the important to the never comming future of greatness and abundance of time. Life is what you "choose" to do know, hopefully passing the mashmellow test, and managing instand gratification wisely... I am not sure if free will is a weak idea, and the extend of which randomness, genetic inheritance, social environments and other external factors affect so greatly all our emotions

Exciting findings for my second paper : a single theory of the steady state economy

In my first paper [1], I consolidate enough evidence that  the persistence of growth as a main economic goal is flawed and full of environmental, social and economic costs. Long story short, in a big economy in a small planet we cannot expect further to growth, and hence we need the analytical tools to define  the conditions over which the planet, our society and the economy can thrive in the absence of growth in throughput. A mandate for profit, not for growth To my surprise, the extensive believe that growth is mandatory for a health economic system is not rooted in any mainstream economic theory : neoclassical, keynessian and marxists theories, do have conditions over which the economic function in the absence of  aggregate growth in output [2]. Those conditions do required stablishing limits and other policy goals, but they are technically viable. The microfundations of the economic theory stablish that it is positive or null profits what is required for business to function in com