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Showing posts from October, 2021

Estimada Laia 8: Capitalism, Communism and Anarchism...what have they get right and wrong?

I did choose to study economics as understanding social systems was clearly one of my early passions, together with philosophy. It did seem the most "responsible" way to study politics, philosophy, business, geography... as it leave many doors open.  After 15 years of that decision, I do not regret  it fully, as I am still passionate by the relevance and the potential to change people lives of the field , but my decision process was very wrong. I hope you (Laia) choose and try something based on passion and interest, not on utility. The world needs specialists that love what they do, not an mediocre workforce that follows labor demand and the hype blindly. But this is a different topic, let me explain you my personal view about the mainstream economic and political views that dominate  the world. Capitalism - the pursue of maximum profit, leading to the fastest  prosperity and inequality growth Capitalism, and the pursue of maximize short term profits of capital is the domin

Estimada Laia: Chapter 7 . Sport, Adventure and more

Sport and adventure, is the ultimate conquest of the useless . The exploration of our body and mental capabililities to perform well on a game, or the capacity to travel into the unknown, has captured my heart and energy in the last 10 years, and the fire is stronger than ever . Sport has the power of change lives (Adidas moto) , I do beleive it so deeply, that for me, working in the sports industry, is a dream come true, despite many discrepancies in my vision with the mainstream approach to sport, adventure and competition. For thousands of millions of humans in the world, physical activity is not a necessity to aquire the means for living. The division of labor and specialization, moved most labor from agriculture to the industry and services sectors. Keeping aside the unfair, innacurate and missmanaged notion of agriculture as a small and almost irrelevant part of our system, less and less people are needed, given our temporal abundance of dense forms of energy, for that purpose.