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Week 4: To whom is the book addressed?

Books may be less viral than posts and short videos, but for me, along with long-form conversations, they remain the best way to engage deeply with complex topics in a relaxed and reflective manner. While I may explore other formats at some point, I still believe in leveraging the slowness and depth of book reading to foster reflection and relearn the art of systemic change-making. This book appeals to multiple audiences: 1. To those inside and outside academia who resonate with my critiques of the dominant economic system, but who may feel stuck or are eager for discussions on strategy and transition-making. This goes beyond merely diagnosing the crisis or listing potential destinations. 2. To those feeling or suffering from the polycrisis but who haven't yet engaged with literature on degrowth, post-development, ecofeminism, or ecosocialism . This book offers a quick immersion into alternative thinking and transformation-building around justice and the rights of hu
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Week 3: Why is this book necessary?

  Week 3: Why is this book necessary? After studying degrowth and ecological economics for nearly 10 years, I’ve found that most of the literature focuses on: 1. Explaining why capitalism is unjust, dangerous, and at the root of multiple crises. 2. Highlighting alternatives that are more democratic and just, even if they aren’t nation-wide systems. Regarding (1), much of the focus is on averages, often portraying a class-free world where some places are rich, and others are poor, neglecting distribution differences within countries, class disparities, and the internationalization of capital. The Global North and South narrative, while useful for discussing structural inequalities, falls short in fostering a global working-class consciousness. We must address colonial arrangements and engage the working class across the globe. Regarding (2), it’s essential to showcase "nowtopias"—places where time is abundant, poverty is absent, and coexistence with other living being

Week 2: Personal drives

  Week 2: Why do I need to write this book? I want to thank everyone who has supported my book project on just transitions with their time and money. I’d like to share my motivation for writing this book, which is further developed in the drafts of chapters 1 and 2 (currently under review!). My drive comes from fear and frustration with our current path. We’re witnessing environmental collapse—rivers running dry, forests dying from heat, and farmers struggling with no yields. The climate crisis is here, escalating rapidly. The social contract between capital and labor feels more broken than ever, with stagnant wages, rising inflation, and a growing appeal of far-right rhetoric over progressive agendas. But it’s not just fear that motivates me—it’s anger at the injustice and exploitation of people and nature. Despite these challenges, hope persists. Alternatives exist, often from places deemed "undeveloped" or "poor," where communities steward life in w

Week 1: Book Announcement

  I am thrilled to announce that for my master thesis, I am venturing into the challenging and exciting field of book writing. I’ve begun working on a book that seeks to provide tentative answers to one of the most critical questions of our time: How can we achieve public abundance within planetary boundaries in a just way? This inquiry is grounded in two key assumptions, which I explore at the beginning of the book: 1. The capitalist system is fundamentally incapable of meeting humanity’s basic needs within planetary boundaries. It perpetuates the exploitation of racial groups, women, nature, and an increasing portion of the working class. 2. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of alternative ways to provide abundance in a regenerative manner—approaches that foster, rather than diminish, economic democracy. If this topic resonates with you and you want to see this book come to life and be presented to change-makers, I would greatly appreciate your financial support. Yo

We need a degrowth aligned job guarantee and solidarity fund, here is how we can create it!

Motivation In a world where capitalism and colonialism are upheld by full-time efforts, while those fighting for global justice work precariously, part-time, or on a volunteer basis, it's no wonder we find ourselves losing ground. Activism and societal transformation shouldn't be relegated to the margins but should be central to our daily work, encompassing not only productive efforts but also the care and regeneration of culture and biodiversity. The degrowth movement, primarily driven by academics or those with secured material needs, needs to become more inclusive. For the movement to truly reflect the sensibilities of the global working class and the Global South, we must provide financial support to those in need and to work that is socially and environmentally necessary but unsupported by the market. The core coordination of the International Degrowth Network (IDN) relies heavily on the extraordinary, often invisible efforts of individuals. To avoid burnout and ensure sus

Proposta de Transició Energètica Ecosocial a Catalunya: Planificació fins al 2030

En aquest article, m'agradaria plantejar un full de ruta i, alhora, desmentir alguns dels arguments que estan bloquejant una transició ecosocial a Catalunya amb la urgència social i climàtica actual.  L'objectiu no és fer un article acadèmic, sinó donar ordres de magnitud per orientar el debat amb rigor i amb les veritables opcions que tenim a l'abast. Comencem! Definim els objectius de la transició ecosocial En primer lloc, hauríem d'aclarir quins són els objectius i paràmetres que conformen aquesta transició, sent el més concret possible per poder implementar polítiques i estimar els requisits per a la seva implementació, així com els impactes. Que la generació energètica local sigui capaç de cobrir les necessitats essencials: producció d'aliments, transport d'aigua, cuinar, il·luminació, gestió de residus, transport essencial, escoles, telefonia, hospitals, confort tèrmic... Que l'energia necessària per a produir béns essencials tingui uns preus estables

Anàlisi dels partits respecte a la transició energètica a Catalunya: 12M

  En aquest article faig un analisi de les posicions dels diferents partits publics per afrontar un dels majors reptes de la nostra societat, com mantenir un metabolisme social necesari sense combustibles fosils, conflictes ambientals i pobresa energetica. El debat en la seva totalitat es pot trobar aqui . El rol de l'energètica pública Amb l'excepció de Junts i Ciutadans, tots els partits estan d'acord en donar més pes a l'energia pública, tot i que amb matisos en els seus objectius. La CUP, ERC i els Comuns clarament volen reduir el pes dels monopolis energètics, com és el cas flagrant de la distribució amb Endesa, que controla el 98% de la distribució, així com també de la generació, amb una dependència actual insostenible de l'energia nuclear i dels combustibles fòssils, si considerem la capacitat instal·lada renovable al territori (menys del 15%). Sorprèn especialment a la dreta i al centre la manca de comprensió que el sector energètic no pot dependre de l'