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Protecting Home : a call to action for all adventure and nature lovers

Cities and towns are places were we found opportunity, cultural enrichment and social constrasts.

In wild places we seek to enrich our soul, have adventures and see those monuments of life that are out of stock in the cities. Runners, climbers, hikers, skiers... dream in the comfort of their house, what will come next, what will be the next trip to mountains, forests or beautiful coast spots.

We train during the week in gyms, crowded areas or even sorruounded by cars to get fit to hit our next place to play. The truth is, that those places are in profound danger. Our ancient forest have been cut and replaced by young monotonous forest crops, with the only purpose of growing fast wood, loosing truly monuments of ancient time, the gatheres of our health and the most rich biodiversity.

Our coast has been devastated with superfluous, unregulated, and excessive construction, not being used most of the year, and constructed without considering environmental regulations and recommendations.

We feel pain when our belowed wild beach has been replaced by a crowded resort, full of industrial hotels and standard food. We feel like we loss something when a forest were we use to dream and see magic turns out to be wood factory..yet, do we something about it?

There is a chance to preserve those remaining places, the biodiversity storages in the sea and forests need us to protect them, and we need them more than we think. Without the huge diversity loss of massive deforestation and the animal trade, we may not be having a corona crisis now. Loving nature and those places is not enough,we need to take actions to preserve them forever.

Selvans and SOSCosta Brava are doing amazing job in protecting the remaining old forests in Catalonia, and stopping massive construction in the coast, so we can enjoy some pristine forests and beaches when we run, hike, swim or climb. But they need help.

We would like to propose you to be a protector of nature, by taking a journey with us. We would like you to participate in Protecting home project, an open space were you can discover those precious places in an unforgetable itinerary, from the Pyrinees to Costa Brava, engaging with those spaces in a unique way.

You can walk or run in those places, in a self sufficiency mode, during one to five days, within September 15th to December 15th, taking any of the proposed challenges we propose you:

  • Ultra: an adventure of a lifetime, with 200km and a breathtaking course
  • Trail : for those who want to take more time, with 60km along costa brava
  • KM0: for those who just want to support the project, and maybe visit one of the spaces in isolation
You can take the challenge alone or with someone, and due to the fact that there are many towns during the course, there are many places where you can eat and sleep. We will give you a recommended material list, and some guidelines of how to approach the course.

Selvans and SOS Costa Brava will dedicate all the money from your subscription to finance the protectection of old forests and lobbying for a less massified tourism in our beloved costa brava.

We will not track or make a time ranking, since for us the most important thing is that you connect with those spaces and learn about them, and what can be done to preserve them. In order to keep you engaged, we will ask you to proof your tour with us, and there will be some challenges along the way, to confirm your learnings of such spaces and its stories.

In order to make a great memory of such a joruney we would like to ask you to send, after the route:

  • A 200word text of your experience or a 1min video
  • The photo or drawing piece that best explain your experience

We will share the most inspiring stories with you, in a small film we will make after the open timelines are done.

If you want to know more about Selvans or SOS Costa Brava please search the following:

The time for protecting our forest and coast has arrived! 



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