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I am leaving social media, chat apps and other weak and distracting ways of communication

 Dear family, friends and colleagues

After some months investigating how can I have a more present, fullfilling and happy life, I started a journey towards material, informational and digital minimalism.

That means, that I will only keep the things and communication channels that improve my life and my connection with you.

The science is in line with my personal experience that Facebook, Whatsup, Instragram, Telegram... are not good tools to connect and communicate interesting ideas and create a stronger community. This is mainly due to their business model and design to distract you and keep you hours on weak forms of communication and enterntainment.

After years of professional career search, and even the definition of what I want to do with my life, I realized that I do not need to spend any more time in those platforms, that I respect and I am grateful for what they offered me, paying with my atention and information.

The list of topics I want to spend my life is short and clear to me, if you are interested those are:

  1. Be a good and helpful person to my family, friends and the rest of people
  2. Be an active part of communities that engage in social justice and prosperity, Earth protection and outdoor activites
  3. Be a healthy and resilient outdoor athlete
  4. Be a productive researcher in ecological economics
  5. Be a key contributor of AI to improve business and society
For any of those, I am embracing the usage of phone calls, face2face or online deep meetings,  email, and other social platforms that have a purpose:

  • To discuss professional oportunities and work related topics

  • To share and connect for research related topics

  • To share and connect my outdoor activities and organize events

  • To connect privately for other relevant topics

As you can see, there are lot of ways to stay in contact. You can call me or send me an email if you want to have a call or meet. Please avoid short messaging when possible.

Thanks for respecting my decision, and support it, engaging in the communication channels I freely choose to use from now own.

Love you


  1. Sabía reflexión y decisión. Fuerza para que la corriente no te arrastre. Abrazo sincero.


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