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Estimada Laia - Chapter 2 The meaning of life

What is the meaning of life? Is there any good reason for us to be here? What is our mission?

It is definetely worth starting by exploring our why, as that could dramatically shape our vision of life and our behaviour. You will see that in some cultures the after life is even more important that the current, and also how other groups that focus mainly of having as much fun today a possible, disregarding tomorrow consequences.

For most of my life, I though the purpose of life was focusing on my own success and joy. Little have to do my life with what others do or not do. I felt the owner of my happiness and my own future, nothing could stop me if I only work hard enough. Being a liberal brought me some pofessional opportunities, and give the economic freedom I was seeking, but I was not fullfilled. In the microcosmos of my family and ego, there was little connection with my environment, and I could feel very deep that something was missing.

I try to talk with many friends and relatives, but I was not satisfied by the answers, as they were poiting me again to this atomic view of competing in a world where you care only about you, and your small circle, like if the world was a large bunch of clubs playing again each other in a zero sum game.

In the books, talks and other sources in internet I found a very interesting idea. The idea that we are not individuals in a pure sense, but rather relation with other living beings, such as people, forests and other animals. Challenging the competing values pushed at homes and schools, these intelectuals advocate for a life where we fill our missions sharing and celebrating our gifts and crafts, not for a ranking but to improve the quality of the life of all.

I therefore start extending my generosity outside my circle, caring about those who do not have enoughto eat or to clothe themselves (buying a van for the banc d'aliments de palleja), also about those natural spaces in danger and that we so much need (sending a third of my income to forest protection). I became an activist, a person that thinks and acts towards a bigger mission that my own joy or success, but rather for the commitment to make this world a better place to live, for all, without exeptions.

By enganing with incredible people working on food banks and forest protection networks, I start feeling connected again. I was having relationship without any personal interest, only because we pursue the mission of helping others and sharing our gifts. Those were the people I long fail to found in school and in the university, people that are inspiring and role models to me. I got little attraction over those narrowly focused on making a lot of money, or playing the competition life in a insainly rushed world, and it was a realization to find like-minded invididuals who understand too, that life is about sharing and enjoying the gifts.

Instead of living to win, to posses, to acumulate, life is a collaborative game, where we mix fun and responsability putting more energy to those activities that creates wonder, peace and true prosperity. 

I found that the meaning of life is about feeling and thriving connection with our environment, and in doing so caring to be a genuine force of love and prosperity. 

There is a caviat in this point of view, as activists tends to forget about the importance of a healthy inner self that supports everything we do. Pressured by the urgency and importance of their mission, many dissatend their own health and dissentigrate. 

If one wants to stay in the long run, and become a long lasting contributor, one should dedicate time its own health and joy. One can see the time spend on your own as the time when you cultivate your best and new ideas, that keep you fresh and unique to others. This is why I defend that a meaningful life should be about the care of others and enjoying oneself, being therefore quite some time in solitude.

It is not by chance that of the greatest minds on this planet, and some of the most happy people in this world, engage into regular retirement and a lot of lonely time and internal inspection.  By curating our love to ourselves and developing our potential we are bringing a more impactful version of us, which everyone will end up celebrating.

To summarize, my journey to find meaning was a journey from competition and social anxiety to understanding that we depend deeply on each other, while loneliness builds up our unique self and the energy we can transfer to the world. Instead of focusing all day of what can I get from it, I start caring of my sorroundings deeply. I celebrate others joy and success, understanding that zero sum games are human inventions and that we could all make it, presummng we help each other.  Last but not least, I stop hanging out with other people permanently, disregard superficial social connection and engage proudly into long periods of solitude. 

Whether you think we are here by chance, by god or some other big design, it is definetely worth considering world views that exceed our own individual limits, that embrace compasion and love, and understand that while deeply connected, we have to nurture, instead of scaping solitude.

That help me a ton, hope that help you a bit : )


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