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Showing posts from September, 2021

Estimada Laia: Chapter 6 Love

Love, like energy, is the ultimate force for action . Our passion towards people and dreams is probably the most noble driver to do something , purely because we feel it and wanted. Love can be expressed or sensed in multiple forms and change profoundly even on the same object or person. The way I love your mom change over time, or more precisely develop. How I feel and connect with my work and hobbies is evolving constantly. Far from the romantic idea of love as something static, resulting from destiny or a bigger order, love is a muscle and need continuous estimulae. Constant deep contact with the object loved is requiered to maintain the flame, whether it is in friendship, partnership or just what you do as profession. I happen to challenge the notion of unconditional love, as without regular positive interaction and connection, it will fade away like the ashes of a long disantended fire. The feelings and connections for others are not in a safe spot, if we do not keep it up, and o

Estimada Laia: Chapter 5 Work and success

We are, thanks to a vast consumption of non renewable energy sources and specialization, the most productive generation in history. Productive in terms of output, not in terms of efficiency, as future productivity remains a big question in the absence of cheap fossil fuels and natural capital.  Most of our r esearch, creativity and development has been focused on growth as a mean and end for prosperity and success . It is not only innapropiate but also dumm, to consider growth, a feature that is temporal and a mean to something, an end by itself. As a result, and despite being more productive than ever, we are busier, stressed and disconnected. Our vast supply or superficial information and commodities have made of our attention and time the most scarce resource. Lacking a clear mission, a forgetting what the great philosophers figure out thousands of years ago, we report business as success, workload as importance, career growth as a must . Instead of s haring more, enjoying more, r

Estimada Laia: Chapter 4 Nature

The concept of nature is probably one of the biggest missunderstood concepts of our time. Many see nature as an alien, a separate part from. A mere stock of resources and living things there for our joy and so call "development". We are nature , as nature is all living and no living matter . We depend on the atmosphere to regulate the flow of gases and sunlight, on oxigen to breath, on the soil to grow food, on oceans and forests to breath and maintain the Earth as a habitable place. The messages held by religions of love and the responsible use of God's creation did not landed into our behaviour and commitments to our environment. The individualistic profit of the natural space and content, and the pursue of goal empty growth or employment , has been used to justify atrocities and must murders of other species. Our superior intelligence has been focused too much on dominance , on the irresponsible exploration of limits and progress, with little room for protection, ca

Estimada Laia : Chapter 3 Limits

Contrary to the common culture, we are l iving and facing constantly limits . Despite the marketing and technooptimists faith that everything is possible , it is not true that human creativity or hard work will break all potential frontiers . There is a limit on how much energy you can consume in a healthy planet, there is a limit in how efficient our process can be, there is a limit on how fast can we move, there is even a limit on economic growth.  Limits are seen as the enemies of progress or evolution, but this is just a narrow way to see things. Constraints in time, space and matter pushes innovation, leads to prioritization and makes every moment unique. Instead of trying to overcome every single apparent limit, such as death, energy density or material throughput, we should embrace a definition of enough . Freedom means also the choice of the limits that we want for our life. I choose not to work more, not to consume more, not to ask others more ... I limit and moderate my life